We look beneath the surface.
We are a creative team of psychologists and trainers whose focus is deep diving into your organization's development needs.

Transactional Analysis retrospective – 2024
La începutul fiecărui an, înainte de a ne lansa în proiecte noi, de obicei ne luăm un moment…
Metoda CLASS – suport si actiune in cazul angajatilor care se confrunta cu probleme emotionale
Intr-o lume din ce in ce mai volatila si complexa, liderii si managerii se confrunta cu provocarea de…
Arta de a adresa intrebari (mai) bune
In contextul in care organizatiile de tot felul se confrunta cu impredictibilitate crescuta si sunt nevoite sa actioneze…
Care e driverul tau?
Mesajele conducatoare se refera la o combinatie de convingeri, credinte subconstiente care determina un anumit tipar de comportament…
Vino sa jucam SAGE impreuna!
Save the date! Pe 27 noiembrie echipa Indive te invita la evenimentul SAGE organizat in comunitatea HR HUB – o…
Leadership Booster
Save the date! Pe 21 noiembrie echipa Indive va invita la evenimentul Leadership Booster – o jumatate de…
Wellbeing Labs
Toamna vine mai mereu la pachet cu emailuri care se adauga unul peste altul ca o adevarata biblioteca…
Deep Dive Learning EVENT
Save the date! Pe 29 mai echipa Indive va invita la evenimentul Deep Dive Learning – o zi…
Raportul anual 2023
Privind retrospectiv la anul care tocmai s-a incheiat, suntem mandri sa impartasim aici cateva dintre realizarile noastre. A…
Wednesday Indive Bites – Wellbeing Series
It is that time of the year! 😊That time when we all feel the impact of (almost) a…

Instructional Design
Imagine you had a magic stick and someone could transform all the difficult, perhaps disengaging content that you need to teach, in a highly interactive experience, that people in your organization will thank you for. If you want this dream to come true, we do not have a magic stick but a lot of tools and years of experience to help you.

Effective & engaging sessions that aim to touch the hearts and minds of the participants, while remaining in contact with the organizational context and needs.

We walk you towards your desired outcomes through a series of needs analysis sessions, psychometric tools and suitable guidance.

We are all experts in our challenges, sometimes so much that we get stuck and forget that we have all the resources we need to move foreward. We will be alongside in your journey of discovery so you can find the best solutions and strategies to your problems and challenges.

Team Development
Great hard working people within the team and a well intentioned manager are important ingredients, but there is much more to having a strong, effective and happy team.
Our why
Indive exists to design and deliver highly adaptable development programs, that make learning both useful and fun.
And reaches its purpose by doing a mix of needs analysis sessions, webinars, in-class training, team coaching, 1-1 sessions and many more
so that it contributes to the progress of our clients, helping people, teams and organizations reach their (full) potential.
Training days
Cups of coffee

How was indive born?
We started from our passion for learning and joy for contributing to human progress.
We added our previous experience in designing and delivering learning journeys for many companies.
We multiplied everything with the contribution of our “partners in crime” – professionals who we work with and other people that help us stay “fit” (our individual coaches and other learning communities that we are part of).
One team, many superpowers
Our team is made up of psychologists, trainers, coaches and actors who contribute to the development programs created in order to fulfill your organizations development needs.

Clients testimonials

Maria Asanache, HR Business Partner BBRAUN
The days spent together at the communication and leadership sessions were a very pleasant surprise!
The involvement and passion of both during the sessions are transmitted to the participants and the positive results are visible: attention, relaxation, openness to questions/curiosities and, most importantly, the information received is put into practice both in professional and personal life. Indeed, the useful and the pleasant were in the same place.
I look forward to outline the next team development projects!
Viorica Ursache, Safety, Security and Compliance Monitoring Manager TAROM
A professional team who understood our organization and the problems we were struggling with, who provided hands-on support for identifying the most suitable ways of working in the context of our company. We gladly recommend collaborating with Indive to anyone who is looking to improve their organizational culture and change things for the better.
Oana Popescu, Executive Manager La primul bebe
Indive was with us and created a customized program that fits exactly our needs. Its debut took place on the very second day of our quarterly team meeting, and it was both a pleasant and rewarding experience.
Cezara Boangiu, L&D Manager Pirelli Tyres Romania
I have worked with Simona and Malina on training and development projects in our company for the past few years.
The measurable results but also our colleague’s feedback made our relationship gradually shape into what today I like to call a partnership that I can rely upon to make the best out of my job.
For me as an L&D manager, Indive is the place where the best ideas are defined and re-fined, where attention is directed to people’s needs and the effort is sustained and dedicated to the achievement of the best deliverables.