One team, many superpowers​

Action mapping ™

Performance improves when people DO things differently, not (only) when they know stuff.

Reach out and let’s talk about creating a strategic development program, where our starting point is identifying your organization`s performance goal and the finish line will be measuring its impact.

Agile training
We keep in mind our conclusions from the needs analysis and constantly search for feedback from participants, even in between sessions. We can adjust content and delivery during the deliverance of the development program depending on participant profile and learning objectives.
Spaced learning
With us, learning is fun, but can be a bit intense at times. And because change is the ultimate goal, we incorporate in our programs as much spaced learning as we can accomodate. We will recommend a mix of online / offline, newsletters, individual / groups or segmented targeted sessions.
Measurement of training results
We use a mix of pre and post measurement to discover the needs of participants prior to the sessions and the impact on participants and business after the development program. We may set numeric measurements for the improvement of leadership performance, work efficiency, decrease of complaints or attrition, just to name a few relevant criteria.
Case Study Process
Solution Focused Approach

SOLUTION FOCUSED METHODOLOGY – rooted in positive psychology, simple but impactful in leadership or communication with others. So it may be a good idea for:

Leader coach programs – managers can go through a practical program, with concrete information on how to help team members to make the transition from a mindset focused on the problem to one focused on the solution, to set their directions and measure the distance between the destination and the present moment, and in general to focus on resources and solutions

Programs for individual contributors who want to develop their communication skills in relation to clients, the team, different stakeholders within the organization.

Team development for teams who want to acknowledge their current position, identify their strengths and build on their strengths in order to gain team alignment and progress.

Both Simona Caranda and Malina Chirea are certified to use this methodology and have done so in companies such as Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Pirelli, Bbraun, etc.

6 Team Conditions
It is a consistent methodology, developed in Harvard research center, whose main purpose is to facilitate change and develop effective teams, with extraordinary collaboration of team members.

Possible ways of collaborating with this methodology:

Advanced diagnosis of the team/organization with the possibility to create a customized journey afterwards, which can include team coaching sessions with all members, 1-1 support for the team manager, 1-1 meetings with team members to take the pulse, creating customized materials based on their specific needs, learning pills, etc. There is also the possibility of diagnosing the entire organization, so it is a good tool for such consulting projects. An example of a 27-page report that any team/organization that goes through this diagnosis can have based on their answers can be found attached – it’s thick but we’ll gladly come back with details if needed;

Team journeys using this methodology, but without the diagnostic part – we will rely on interviews with the manager, team members, sessions with the whole team where we take the pulse, and we will use the main elements of 6 team conditions to develop those elements that bring effectiveness to the team, help them to collaborate very well and to have the expected results, in a sustainable way.

Leadership Journeys, Intermediate/Advanced Level. Here managers learn the Harvard secrets to develop an effective team 🙂 They will receive both the conclusion and concrete leadership practices; they will have the opportunity in the session/between sessions to work with their teams and bring specific challenges, questions to the session. The good part is that having a large part of a company’s leadership exposed to 6 team conditions will create a common language and help them with the things that are essential in managing a team.

Our colleague Simona Caranda is Level 3 certified in this methodology, a level at which there are currently a maximum of 100 people in the world.

Transactional Analysis

Initially theorized in 1964, Transactional Analysis is one of the strongest branches of psychology. Its concepts, scientifically valid, detail the connections and dynamics of human relationships, a fact that made its transition to the area of organizational psychology, easy and efficient. Using this methodology, we can bring diagnosis tools (self diagnosis tools, team diagnosis tools) that will build development programs on several organizational levels:

Development programs for teams in which the participants understand the unconscious dynamics they bring to the group.

Leadership programs for managers – to ensure the building of a constructive culture within the team.

Self leadership programs – to create self-awareness and change in team relationships.

Development programs for departments that work intensively with internal and external stakeholders.

For this methodology, Malina Chirea is being certified by the European Transactional Analysis Association and has delivered sessions in Europe, South America and Africa.

Positive Psychology

The area of positive psychology has largely developed following Prof. Martin Seligman’s studies in late 90s, together with a whole community of scholars and researchers in the area of “what makes people work & thrive”. After extensive study on the field, we have delivered many programs focused on positive psychology methodology on topics such as:

Change Management – mentality, resilience, motivation, strengths – both for individual contributors and for teams or managers.

Wellbeing programs with a focus on positive relationships, engagement, tracing motivations and personal values.

Development programs for teams in which the participants focus on their strengths and build a culture of high performance.

With over 5 years of training in the area of well-being, our colleagues Malina Chirea and Simona Caranda are highly specialised in programs from the area of well-being / positive psychology.

Malina has studied with supervision from Vanessa King – professor at East London University professor and collaborator of Martin Seligman’s,

We have so far delivered such programs for a wide range of companies, from industries such as IT, Pharma, FMCG, Production etc.

Agile HR

Agile HR is methodology that aligns the Agile approach from technology to the development of people in companies, including a wide range of topics, from the area of mentality, psychological safety and up to methods of team organization.

It can be used for:

Development programs with a focus on adaptability, flexibility in the face of change, agile organization, resilience. It is suitable both for teams and for managers or individual contributors.

Consulting projects regarding the adaptability and flexibility of work in the organization.

Psychological Safety programs for managers and teams in which people will have the opportunity to align to the main components of psychological safety, as stated in Google Aristotle research.

Our colleague, Malina Chirea is an ICP – AHR certified in this methodology with IC Agile.

Wellbeing & Mental Health

As our team consists of many psychologists, we have the right tools to build custom made programs for your organisations’ mental health needs. Whether managers or individual contributors, we can transfer solutions, discuss alternatives and give the optimal framework that can be later used in your organisation.

Healthy Relationship Dynamics
The longest human study, which lasted for over 75 years, concluded that it is healthy relationships that give meaning to our lives. So why not invest in constructive work relationships? In programs centered around healthy relationships, we will explore the dynamic of human relations and bring forth practical and real-life situations so that participants will discover not only tools, but will have the means to apply them.
Strategic Team Development

Using different tools, such as solution focus or 6TC, in our team developments participants will have the opportunity to create a common “why”, understand their purpose and together create the steps towards their objective.

Following this framework, we can create one-time sessions or complex multiple year projects, which can focus on building positive work experience and up to diving into highly difficult team contexts.

Flexible Mindset

Mindset is the building block for the quality of our lives, both personal and profession. In this dynamic approach, participants will assess their own mindsets, discover practical tools for enhancing it and reestablish some important filters of perception.

Flexibility requires acceptance and even flourishing in moments of instability. Following this objective, we will explore participants’ reaction to uncertainty and cognitively replace limitative beliefs with more self-confident, resilient ones.

Cups of coffee
Training days


We are a creative team of psychologists and trainers whose focus is deep diving into your organization’s development needs.

Instructional Design

Imagine you had a magic stick and someone could transform all the difficult, perhaps disengaging content that you need to teach, in a highly interactive experience, that people in your organization will thank you for. If you want this dream to come true, we do not have a magic stick but a lot of tools and years of experience to help you.


Effective & engaging sessions that aim to touch the hearts and minds of the participants, while remaining in contact with the organizational context and needs.


We walk you towards your desired outcomes through a series of needs analysis sessions, psychometric tools and suitable guidance.


We are all experts in our challenges, sometimes so much that we get stuck and forget that we have all the resources we need to move foreward. We will be alongside in your journey of discovery so you can find the best solutions and strategies to your problems and challenges. 

Team Development

Great hard working people within the team and a well intentioned manager are important ingredients, but there is much more to having a strong, effective and happy team.

Client testimonials

Our company can only be as strong as our results, changing participants minds, hearts and (professional) lives. 

It is the best development course I have attended. Excellent organization, quality content, and Malina is the best trainer I have interacted with so far. Moreover, she managed to arouse my interest so that I could document myself further, in addition to the fact that I was left with useful information. Congratulations!
Participant, Financial Industry