Teams who learn together thrive together

Pentru a va rezerva locul la acest eveniment, va invitam sa va inscrieti folosind formularul de mai jos.

RO: Unul din cele 3 criterii ale eficacitatii unei echipe este capacitatea acesteia de a contribui la invatarea si cresterea membrilor ei, conform unei cercetari care s-a desfasurat pe parcursul a zeci de ani in cadrul Harvard University.

Insa e usor sa ne lasam furati de peisaj: viteza si complexitatea schimbarilor, listele interminabile de “to do”, urgentele, cerintele clientilor si multe, multe altele. Si cand ne fura acest peisaj, pierdem din vedere lucruri importante, cum ar fi imaginea de ansamblu si invatarea in echipa.

Un pas in spate alocat invatarii in echipa poate reprezenta un mare pas inainte pentru eficacitate, procese mai bune, mai multa incredere, relatii mai satisfacatoare intre membrii echipei.

Va invitam pe 24 mai (10.00-12:00) la un eveniment online interactiv dedicat managerilor si oamenilor de HR in care vom explora impreuna:

  • Inamicii invatarii in echipa – cum sa-i recunoastem si sa ne ferim de ei
  • Discutiile retrospective versus discutiile reflexive in echipa – beneficii, diferente si instrumente concrete
  • Construirea si mentinerea unui climat de siguranta psihologica – ingredient cheie al echipelor care invata si cresc impreuna

Abia asteptam sa ne <re>vedem!


ENG: One of the 3 criteria of team effectiveness is its capacity to contribute to the learning and growth of its members, based on decades of research within Harvard University.

However, it is easy to fully immerse in our to-do list, the speed and complexity of the changes that we have to face, emergencies, requests from our clients and many, many more. And when this happens, we lose sight of important things, such as the big picture and team learning.

Taking a step back from our regular activities and dedicating time for learning can represent an essential step for team effectiveness, better processes, more confidence and better relations among team members.

On 24th of May (10:00-12:00 EEST) we would like to invite you to an online interactive event dedicated to people managers and hr representatives, where together we will cover:  

  • The enemies of learning – how to recognize them and stay away from them
  • Retrospective versus reflexive conversations within the team – benefits, differences and practical tools
  • Building and maintaining a climate of psychological safety – key ingredient of the teams who learn and grow together.

Looking forward to be together on the 24th of May!

In order to book your place for this event, please use the form from below.