James Edmondson will be our guest at the 26th of October #wednesdayindivebites event.
With over twenty years in the UK and Australian Armed Forces and latterly the corporate world, James has led and worked as part of exceptionally high-performing teams.
His mission is to help others experience the power and energy that comes from highly-effective teamwork whilst helping organizations unlock value, unleash creative power and ultimately deliver on business outcomes.
James brings his experience of leading in operational warships around the world from the sea to the C-suite.
At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK, James was asked to lead the operational response for a large utilities company. Leaning on his experience from the Armed Forces he designed and then coached a team of teams model that was instrumental in helping the company navigate the complexity of those early months of the pandemic. He has since adapted the model to address a number of other business challenges and deliver desired business outcomes.

Through a case study from his time in Command of an Australian Patrol Boat on people smuggling operations in the Indian Ocean in 2016 James explores Ruth Wageman’s research on team effectiveness. He will expand on his take on Wageman’s assertion that ‘team structure drives behavior which in turn drives outcomes’ and how this can and should apply to any successful team coaching intervention. He will provide an overview of the 6 Team Conditions Framework, connecting its practical application alongside the setting of conditions for psychological safety that is so important in getting the most out of any team that he is working with.