Brilliant Leadership Practices

Breaking news!

We have some very exciting news for you: we have a special guest speaker at our Brilliant Leadership Practices event on 25th of May: JPMorgan Chase consultant and Core Faculty member at 6 Team Conditions Gabe Abella! 
During the event, Gabe will share his wisdom around strategy practices: enabling teams to properly use their resources on their way to reaching their purpose.
In his work, he focuses on leadership and team development through large scale agile transformation, so he will have a lot of valuable examples and tools to share with us from this field. 
“I started my career with Accenture as a software developer, then leading teams and then leading large programs.  For the last ten years I’ve focused on leadership and team development through large scale agile transformation at JPMorgan Chase.  I’ve also had the privilege to support leadership teams across industries including L’Oreal, Eli Lilly, and the United Nations system.  
I enjoyed presenting on the topics of teaming and leadership at global conferences such as:
Agile Alliance Global Conference
– Lean Kanban Global Summit
Columbia University Coaching Conference
I’ve been with 6 Team Conditions  for 4 years serving on Core Faculty for Level 2 Advance Practitioner and Level 3 Master Practitioner as well as the new Team Agility class.  
My personal purpose is to make the world of work rewarding and respectful for everyone.
Father of 2 girls 8 & 11 – I love supporting their interests and curiosity which presently include dance, music, and watching the entire Little House on the Prairie series as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
FYI: This post is in English, and so it the first part of our event, while Gabe is the speaker. Afterwards we are going to switch to Romanian 🙂

Salutari din viitor! 

Un viitor in care ai reusit sa acumulezi instrumente valoroase pentru oamenii din organizatia ta, pe care folosindu-le, ai auzit cel putin una din cele 3 propozitii de mai jos:

  • “Am avut o perioada grea, insa dupa discutiile noastre ma simt mult mai bine.”
  • “Am reusit sa ma organizez si sa lucrez mai eficace.”
  • “Am invatat niste lectii valoroase din ultimul proiect pe care am reusit sa le aplic in prezent.”

Cum s-a intamplat asta? Ai participat la Brilliant Leadership Practices, un eveniment parte din Wednesday Indive Bites, unde am parcurs impreuna 3 tipuri de instrumente care pot pot misca lucruri intr-o directie buna in organizatia ta:

Motivational Practices – Pentru a aborda fluctuatiile motivationale si a ajuta oamenii sa isi ridice nivelul motivatiei dupa o perioada complicata. 
Strategy Practices – Pentru puterea de a gandi in termeni de “trade offs” si de a organiza resursele limitate pentru a fi in strans contact cu obiectivele. 
Applied Learnings – Pentru extragerea acelor lectii sanatoase din proiecte, care ulterior chiar sa fie puse in practica. 

Pe 25 mai discutam si aplicam aceste practici in intervalul 10:00-12:30, insa te asteptam de la 09:45 daca vrei sa bem o cafea virtuala impreuna inainte de eveniment si ramanem pana la 13:00 pentru pranz, extra q&a sau povesti. 

Trainerii tai sunt Simona Caranda si Malina Chirea, traineri consultanti si psihologi cu experienta in crearea si livrarea programelor de dezvoltare organizationala. 

Malina Chirea is a clinical psychologist, facilitator and L&D consultant. With over 14 years of experience, Malina has supported development programs in companies from North America, Central and South America, Asia, Australia and Europe.

Malina began her career in psychology in 2008, in collaboration with the UN, in an intensive behavior-change program for entrepreneurs. She then went on to set up the NGO Institute for Happiness, in which she organized training sessions, educational campaigns, events or coaching programs on topics such as emotional intelligence, resilience, well-being and mindset. She has worked with over 11,000 people.

Malina is a certified HR Agile consultant with certifications in Solution Focus, Transactional Analysis, NLP and Positive Psychology. She is also a Master Trainer with the Talent Development Association, the largest organization of its kind in the world.

Since joining the field of organizational psychology, she has facilitated and delivered custom development programs focused on communication and relationship, mindset or wellbeing, for both managers and specialists. In these programs, she has overseen the needs analysis, research, construction, implementation and follow up of most the programs she was a part of.
Thus far, she has delivered programs for companies such as Microsoft, Lidl, KPMG, DB Schenker, Glovo, BAT, Accenture, Danone, Roche, Lagardere, Honeywell, Friesland, Electronic Arts, Avangate, City Grill, Deichmann and Nestle.

Simona is a senior trainer, team coach and psychotherapist. She has over 10 years of experience and exposure to companies and teams from different fields, where she designed and delivered custom made development programs.

Following her passion for human development, she began her journey as a volunteer with groups and teenagers (for Save the children, or Junii association) and continued as a psychotherapist for children and adults. During the last years she focused on working with organizations and brought all the knowledge and expertise about human development in her programs.

Simona is excited about not only facilitating, but also crafting the programs and content development, always curious about new ways to make learning an engaging experience. Some of the topics delivered are: growth mindset, leader coach, first time manager, train of trainers, efficient communication, emotional intelligence, neuropsychology or team coaching.

She has an MD in Experiential Psychotherapy and part of her training was in Organizational and Human Development at Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. She is Master Practitioner in 6 Team Conditions, a certification developed by Harvard professionals for teams and leaders.

Other specializations that she brings in her programs are: Virtual Training (Associtation for Talent and Development), Solution Focused, Brain Based Coaching (Neuroleadership Institute), Neuropsychology, Motivational Interviewing etc.

Some of the companies that Simona has worked with during the last few years are: Lidl, Friesland Campina, Danone, Microsoft, Google, Electronic Arts, Adobe, Accenture, Adswizz, Honeywell, GTS, Pirelli, ETI, Azomures, Servier, Roche, First Bank, Unicredit, Food Panda.